Friday, June 24, 2016

State of the art

I'm posting this collection to give an impression of the diversity of the current population, but also to illustrate how individuals are related and are taking different paths. The images are in no particular order, but one can clearly see that they belong to different branches of evolutionary relatedness.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Two foggy pics

Having just moved to Bergen, I find it suitable to post these foggy pics

Monday, July 2, 2012


I just found out about a very cool project called DarwinTunes. They let computer generated songs evolve by audience selection, and are already producing some quite nice music. Check out I dedicate the following image to DarwinTunes!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Image of the Wednesday

Vertical symmetry is a hit. I try not to favor symmetrical images, but I guess its an efficient way for the programs to make images look designed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Although I have no formal training in the arts, I have been to a few art exhibitions and have also glanced at the cover of several books about the subject. One term I have come across is 'minimalism', and I have often wondered what the opposite would be. As google couldn't provide a definitive answer, I hand the question over to you. Is it 'maximalism'?

Here's a few members of a non-minimalistic family of pictures. As you can probably see, they are related to the nanorobots.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Looking out at a blue world from inside a train with turquoise interior

It seems that the family of programs that make these lovely bubbly images handle mutation and crossover well, since they manage to keep a high level of variation while sticking with the same characteristics.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two-faced twins

This is one of the images in my ever-growing library that really look designed. It doesn’t strike me as a result of a complex mathematical equation. If I didn’t know better, I would assume someone painted it, and intended to make it to look the way it does. Then I would go on to wonder why someone would do that. In this case, the question is irrelevant. There is no intention behind this picture, since it isn't designed by any sentient being. Much like biological organisms, the pictures I post in this blog are just the slightly mutated descendants of other pictures that have won the competitions they have participated in.

Monday, February 20, 2012


These could be pictures of parts of tiny insect-like robots.